Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Indonesia income from cigarette is greater than income from mining ???

Indonesia income from cigarette is greater than income from coal mining. Source from Indonesian cigarette factory organization (Gappri/ Gabungan Perserikatan Pabrik Rokok Indonesia) that  excise from cigarette exclude tax in 2010 is Rp.70 trillion, compare with coal mining sector that only contribute Rp.66,82 trillion. Freeport that start gold mining operation since 1974 in papua, in 2010 only contribute Rp.20 trillion. In Global income for oil & gas sector is contribute Rp 288,5 trillion.

Freeport - Jayapura
Cigarette & mining is the large income to Indonesia but they have the bad effect, cigarette is cause effect to health and mining have effect to environment that the result will be effect to healthy of human. So what the choice ??? are this sector will be always to be the priority or will be search the other source ? we have too many source but not developed well like agriculture with the large area, fishery with the large sea and environment friendly industry with the cheap manpower.
What we need to receive all of the goal ? more creative and work hard !!!!! Stop Corruption!!!!
Hidup Indonesia …. 

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